Hey guys,
Haven't had time to update my progress for my internship for a couple of weeks, so here goes:
The last 3 weeks have been pretty busy and lately time has been flying at superspeed. I am actually almost at the end of the internship and am really happy to have been offered a position to continue to work there as a casual . The project we've been mainly working on is due at the end of the year so I'm really glad to be able to continue working on that.
The atmosphere and working environment in the studio is very pleasant and it's good to look forward to work. I'm also enjoying the other parts of it, taking the train every morning with Steve and observing so many different kinds of people, sometime sketching a few standouts too:)
It's also fun to go out for lunch in the valley, because of the cheap food and variety of places to eat too.
As far as work goes, it's been great to work on illustrations that need abit of time to refine, and also working with Steve and trying to emulate his style is quite challenging, but I found that asking for his feedback helps for the readjustments and will hopefully keep everything consistent. And I need to work on my colours too as I'm not completely satisfied with them yet.
I also need to write a small essay to summarize my intern experience, so I'll probably post that here too!
I will keep on updating you further eventhough my intenrship is coming to an end:)
Peace out,