It took a while, but I finally got around to redesigning my website.
I'm having issues trying to make it fit everyone's window sizes (I initally wanted it to fit the screen with no margin and no scrollbars), I want to add more images to the portfolio section too.... But anyway this will have to do for now :/ Any feedback you have, bugs, comments,suggestions will be great!!
Here's the link: www.paullalo.com
Hey Paul~!!
Nice work on the website :D
The layout is really clean and clear, so I wasn't confused where to go. (I think I'm a good gage.. I get confused really easily at some of the websites out there)
I think it's got clever use of animation. Once again simple but enough to make you go "cool!" and it shows how wonderfully talented you are at flash :) Great job!
On another note~!! Wow not long now Paul~!!
I don't know about you but I'm really excited~! So I guess I'll see you soon..... in FRANCE~!!
PAUL! your site is amazing!!!!! it oozes class! beautiful design, amazing flash trickery, really nice layout.
beautiful man!
Damn Paul, I'm so jealous! Your website screams "PROFESSIONALE!" The chameleon's eyes are an amazing trick.
Thanks guys, I appreciate the good comments! :D
Wowww last day of madness before the plane!! 1 billion things to do!
A bientot!!
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